Why Do Cats’ Pupils Change?

Cats are beautiful, mysterious creatures. One of the things that makes them so intriguing is that their eyes seem to change shape depending on their mood. But have you ever wondered why that is? Here’s a look at the science behind why cats’ pupils change shape.

Iris constriction and dilation is an automatic reflex controlled by the autonomic nervous system in response to light changes or emotions. In other words, when a cat’s pupils get bigger or smaller, it’s not something they’re doing on purpose—it just happens automatically. 

So what causes this reflex? Let’s take a closer look.

In bright light, the iris (the colored part of the eye) contracts to make the pupil smaller. This protects the retina (the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye) from being overwhelmed by too much light. Conversely, the iris relaxes in low light to allow more light into the pupil, which helps improve vision. Interestingly, cats’ pupils can dilate up to three times as much as human pupils in response to low light!

But what about when a cat’s pupils change shape in response to emotions? While we don’t know for sure, it’s thought this has to do with the release of certain hormones like adrenaline. Hormones like adrenaline can cause changes in blood flow and pupil dilation as part of the ‘fight-or-flight’ response. So if a cat sees something that scares them (like a dog), its pupils dilate as part of this response. Conversely, their pupils will usually constrict if they’re feeling happy or relaxed. 

Here are some cat products you can get online: 

  1. BOW CALICO Reflective Cat Collars with Bells

This 12-pack of reflective cat collars from PetGens is a great way to keep your cats safe and visible at night. The quick-release design means the collars are easy to put on and take off, and the adjustable size means they’ll fit all domestic cats. The bells attached to the collars will also help you keep track of your feline friend’s whereabouts.

Price: £6.97

2. Animal Outfitters 

This is a cat collar with a bell. It is made of faux leather and is adjustable. The collar is quick-release and has a breakaway feature. It is available in mint and silver. This collar is also available in other colors.

Price: £9.99

3. Velvet Cat Collars with Bell 

The breakaway buckle on this velvet cat collar opens and closes quickly for your pet’s safety, and it’s handcrafted in the UK. It is available in cat and kitten sizes and is gray. This collar also has a bell attached to it. It is made from quality materials and is designed for your cat’s safety.

Price: £4.99


Cats’ pupil dilation is an automatic reflex controlled by the autonomic nervous system in response to light changes or emotions. In bright light, the iris (the colored part of the eye) contracts to make the pupil smaller—this protects the retina from being overwhelmed by too much light. Alternatively, low brightness causes relaxation, which lets more light clear up the vision for cats. However, did you also know that adrenaline Release can also be a reason for differently shaped pupils due to ‘fight-or-flight’? If a cat feels scared, its pupil will dilate, but if they are content, its pupil will constrict. So next time you see your feline friend’s eyes start to change shape, you’ll know exactly why!

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