Is Baking Soda Safe for Cats? Here’s What You Need to Know

Baking soda is a common household product used for baking, cleaning, and deodorizing. But is it safe to use around your feline friend? First, it is essential to know that baking soda can be toxic to cats if they ingest it in large quantities. However, using a small amount of baking soda as a household cleaner or for other purposes is not likely to cause harm.

It is always best if you are concerned about your cat’s safety. In this blog post, we’ll closely examine baking soda and its potential effects on your cat. Read on to learn more.

Can Baking Soda Hurt Cats?

Baking soda is made up of sodium bicarbonate, a mildly alkaline substance. When ingested by cats, baking soda can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, it can also lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. If your cat ingests enough baking soda, it could even be fatal. For these reasons, it’s important to keep baking soda out of reach of your feline friend. 

What Are the Benefits of Baking Soda for Cats?

While baking soda can be harmful to cats if ingested, there are some benefits to using it around your home if you have a feline friend. Baking soda can help neutralize odors in your house, making it a great way to keep your home smelling fresh. Just be sure to use a natural remedy like vinegar or lemon juice instead of commercial air fresheners, which can harm cats. 

You can also use baking soda to clean your cat’s litter box. Add a half cup of baking soda to the litter each time you change it. This will help absorb odors and keep your litter box smelling fresh.  

Here is some baking soda product available online and safe for cats:

  1. Simple Solution Cat Litter Freshener with Enzymatic Cleaning Granules 600 g

Simple Solution Cat Litter Freshener with Enzymatic Cleaning Granules is a great way to keep your cat’s litter box smelling fresh. The baking soda helps absorb odors, and the enzymatic cleaning granules help to break down urine and feces. Add a half cup of the litter freshener to the litter each time you change it.

Price: £6.00

2. Petkin Cat Litter Deodorizer Aromatherapy

Petkin’s Cat Litter Deodorizer Aromatherapy is a safe and natural way to keep your cat’s litter box smelling fresh. Add a half cup of baking soda to the litter each time you change it. This will help absorb odors and keep your litter box smelling fresh.

Price: $7.69

3. Arm & Hammer Multiple Cat Litter Deodorizer with Baking Soda (3 Pack)

Keep your home smelling fresh and clean with Arm & Hammer Multiple Cat Litter Deodorizer. This deodorizer uses the power of baking soda to neutralize odors and keep your litter box smelling clean. Add a half cup of baking soda to your litter each time you change it.

Price: £33.83


Baking soda is a common household product with multiple uses. However, you should use caution when using it around your cat, as it can be harmful if ingested. If you use baking soda around your home, be sure to keep it out of reach of your furry friend and never use commercial air fresheners, which can harm cats.

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